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St Edward's

Catholic Primary School

01937 843946

Through God's Grace we grow and learn.

General News

Earth Day 2024:
All our pupils learnt about how we can care for our world on International Earth
Day. The Eco Committee put on some exciting activities and Y6 went litter picking
in Boston Spa. (April 2024)

National Book Day 2024:
Pupils enjoyed dressing up on the annual National Book Day.

Y4 Skipping Champions:
Our Y4 class won the local skipping competition and
now progress to the Leeds final. Congratulations to Y4!

Y3/4 Football Win:
Our Y3/4 football team won their local competition,
qualifying for the next round. Well done to all!

KS2 Athletics:
KS2 pupils enjoyed representing school in the local Athletics competition.

Y5 Reading Buddies:
Our Y5 pupils continue to be great reading buddies for Y1 pupils,
with both year groups getting a lot from their reading together.

TTRS Rocks Stars Battle for Numbers Day
Pupils all took part in a Times Tables Rock Stars battle to celebrate
Numbers Day and also to raise money for the NSPCC. Our school came 49th
out of 377 schools in the North East even though we limited the time each individual 
could spend on the screen. Well Done! (Feb 2024)

Senior Parishioners Christmas Party:
Our senior parishioners and grandparents were treated to our annual
Christmas party, where all the children came and sang to entertain them. (Dec 2023)

Positive Psychology Week - Autumn 2023
Y6 were set a super secret mission to make their buddy smile. They were tasked
with making something for their buddy using only materials they had already had and
without spending any money. The smiles on little and bid buddy's faces filled the school with joy!

World Mental Health Day - October 2023
Y6 dressed in yellow to mark World Mental Health Day, which fell in our Positive
Psychology Week. They learnt all about how to protect their mental health.

Cross-Country Competition:
Our school came 1st in the Catholic school's cross-country competition, held during
the annual school's fun run. (Summer 2023)

Fisher's Football Competition 2023:
Pupils enjoyed taking part in this annual inter-schools football festival. (July 2023)

Maths Challenge 2023:
Some of our Y6 pupils take part in the National Y8 Maths Challenge
with a good number gaining bronze or silver certificates.

Gala Football 2023:
Our pupils won the local school's Gala football competition.

Coronation Day
We held a themed day in school before the coronation of King
Charles, learning all about coronations and their links to our own St Edward. (May 2023)

Crown Parade:
As part of the Coronation day, pupils paraded with crowns they had made at home. (May 2023)

Chicks in School
YF had eggs in to watch hatch and learn all about the chicks. Y6 took care of them
on YF's snow day! (March 2023)

Athletics Competition - February 2023
Pupils in KS2 enjoyed this competition provided by our Well-Schools partnership.

Panto - January 2023
Pupils enjoyed a traditional Panto on our return to school for the new term.

Y6 PSHE Workshop - Autumn 2022
Our Y6 pupils were treated to a workshop all about choices from Leeds Utd.
They were all so engaged that instead of giving a few a prize which had been
brought along, the leader went all the way back to Elland Road to get each of them a prize.

Young Mayor Finalist
One of our pupils entered the Leeds Young Mayor Competition, writing
an excellent manifesto Well done!

St Edward's Feast Day Party
On St Edward's Feast Day, the 13th October, we celebrated in school with
a party and special cake. (Oct 2022)

Author Visit - September 2022
Author, Jenny York visited school to run workshops for younger children and Q&A sessions
with older pupils. A great time was had by all! Many thanks to Jenny.

Eco Letters for neighbours - September 2022
Our Eco Warriors wrote letters to our neighbours to explain what they are doing to promote less
traffic and less pollution along our road. They went out and delivered them by hand.

International Dot Day - September 2022
All children across the school produced "dotty art" to celebrate creativity
on International Dot Day.

Pond Area - Summer 2022
Class 5 made good use of our beautifully renovated pond area in the
warm weather.

Jubilee Books Summer 2022
Pupils enjoyed their free books marking the Queens 75th Jubilee.

Y5 Science Fayre
Y5 did their own research to set up and run
an experiment at their Science Fayre, which was then visited by other
pupils during Science Week. Y5 did a great job explaining things and
teaching the younger children about their experiment.

Lenten Activities Spring 2022
Ys 3, 4 and 5 ran a range of exciting games and stalls in the hall
during Lent in order to raise money for charity. Lots of fun was had by all.

World Book Day - March 2022
As well as dressing up as book characters, the pupils did lots of fun activities
to celebrate World Book Day.

Maths Day February 2022:
On National Numbers Day we had our own Maths Day in school, focussing both
on number and on geometry. Pupils dressed in a maths theme - they looked amazing!

We have an Ada Lovelace and a Times Tables Rock Star Character among our maths dressed stars.

School Council check out Stables Lane February 2022:
Our school council members had a great time playing on the new play equipment
at Stables Lane: they are able to recommend it to all our pupils and families!

YF Stay and Play: Our Foundation parents can regularly come into class to play alongside
their child. 

Pond Regeneration - Summer 2021
Y6 worked hard to clear and regenerate our pond area, as part of their
ECO work and in order to leave a legacy for future pupils as their parting gift.

Online Safety - March 2021
Google and Parent Zone provided an online safety task for pupils to do with parents.
Here is one pupil with their finished Interland Google Trophy.

Odd Socks Day November 2020:
Pupils and staff took part in odd socks day in support of the national anti-bullying campaign.

Scarecrow Display July 2020:
Y6 have done a great job recreating Torvill and Dean, and the Jamaican Bobsleigh Team for the village scarecrow competition. It looks amazing!
We are the Community Section WINNERS of the scarecrow competition - well done everyone!

Small Scarecrows July 2020:
Thank you to everyone who made a small scarecrow out of wooden spoons for Y6's scarecrow display - we have had some wonderful small scarecrows made.
Well done everyone.

Times Tables Rock Star Champions 2020
On the week beginning the 15th June, St. Edward's became the Champions of the first Leeds Diocese Catholic Schools TTRS competition, scoring
418723 points in a week. Class 5 worked particularly hard, gaining 335750 of the total score. Our children love playing TTRS and we are proud of how well they've done.








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